Our Cuisine, but in Salzburg
Quique Dacosta at Red Bull Hangar-7
The last few months have been a unique and extremely enriching experience, thanks to Martin Klein and his fantastic team at Ikarus, the two-Michelin-starred restaurant in Salzburg.
Eckart Witzigmann was a visionary and well ahead of his time when he created this concept: every month, the restaurant serves up dishes from a different restaurant around the world. It sounds easy, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are two factors worth highlighting here: on one hand, the chef and his team's capacity to learn and perform to expectations; and on the other hand, the quality and commitment with which they undertake projects. Every month they raise the profile of a cuisine that is not theirs, yet they make it their own, promoting it for 30 days to the highest possible level.
Not only do they prepare the dishes included in the menu, but Martin also spends several days visiting the guest restaurant. He becomes fully absorbed in the area, philosophy and techniques. Both here and at his restaurant we have shared a unique experience that was warm, yet extremely professional at the same time.
The challenge that we set them wasn't easy, but they nailed it! Our menu is available until 30 November.
Check out this video of the wonderful experience.